AT&T no show once again.....
We recently bought a new house in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. Scheduled an install date around the beginning of this month and nobody showed up. I called and was told it was pushed back till Jan....
View ArticleUverse: email addresses hacked twice?
Hi: We're switching from xISP to Uverse Max. One household member has had same address for ten years, usually connected via xISP to yahoo mail. Never a "hacking " problem. During the past...
View ArticleIntermittent connection Uverse 3801 HGV
I have been getting intermittent outages for about 18 hours now here in Oakland, CA on my Uverse DSL connection. I've rebooted and checked lines; right now it's working fine with the usual speeds I...
View ArticleAnyone having issues when pluging a switch into a NVG510 gat
I recently upgraded from ATT DSL to ATT Uverse. Unfortunately its the only game in town on the street i live on. DSL worked great but was only a 1.5 MB connection need more bandwidth so I upgraded to...
View ArticleNeed help diagnosing Uverse line problem
Hi all, I've been having 2 kinds of intermittent issues with my uverse: 1) Every so often (ranging from minutes to hours) the TV & Internet connection would lose signal with high error rate (using...
View ArticleDo I qualify?
I am moving into a new townhome on 2/16 but don't trust the site on what I actually qualify at my new place. Can one of the tech's here confirm what services I qualify for? Thanks -- Can you handle the...
View ArticleUverse modem Vs DSL modem
Hi I got a used uverse modem offer.Can I use this modem for AT&T DSL connection or this is useful only for uverse connection.Can anybody tell me.May be in future I can upgrade to uverse with same...
View ArticleConvert to Uverse & keep email accounts
When I convert from AT&T dsl to AT&T Uverse I want to set up a NEW primary member ID (New primary member email address) and also retain my old primary member ID email as a...
View ArticleHigh Speed Internet Equipment Fee 2.00
New charge on my Uverse Internet bill. Has anyone else seen this? Is this new? Sneaky... Sneaky at&t. Talking to at&t now. The CSR can't find any notice of it either. That is pretty crappy that...
View ArticleUSB enable hacks in the Cisco IPN4320
I had posted this before, but received no ask again: Does anyone know of any hacks to enable the USB ports yet, to add an external drive to the Cisco box? [Or, any news on when (if??)...
View ArticleChanging Nat type.
Hello all. I was wondering if anyone could give me a quick how-to on changing my setup to nat2 from nat3. I have a linksys e1200. Any other information needed I will be happy to give it.
View Articleuverse bridge mode
prior to having uverse at this business location there was a dsl modem/gateway (not a built in router). with that setup, other networking equipment was used to handle DNS, DHCP, more customization,...
View Articlegot uverse internet + tv yesterday, question
i switched from charter to uverse (1 hd tv, and 18mbit internet) yesterday due to instabilities with charters internet on my street. i was actually a little sad to switch because when charters internet...
View ArticleAT&T/Yahoo email trainwreck
I'm a local "computer guy" helping an elderly fellow here, and we're trapped between AT&T and Yahoo. I'm a uverse user myself as well. I've gone through support processes with AT&T many, many...
View ArticleU Verse Installation questions
I live in southeast Michigan and am considering a switch to U Verse triple play. I am currently subscribed to WOW! which lately has been having service problems as well as a recently announced rate...
View ArticleWas there really a Uverse installation outage in Los Angeles
Am I being lied to (again) or was there really some sort of outage in the Los Angeles area that prevented any Uverse installations from being completed? Last Friday afternoon I was supposed to have...
View ArticleWhat is the life of the battery for a iNID
We had our installation January of last year and now the battery is telling us that it needs to be replaced. This sounds like an awful short lifetime, considering the circuit that supplies it is on our...
View ArticleWant a larger HDD DVR, ATT says I need to pay a one-time fee
Hi there. I have been a UVerse customer for more than 4 years and have the same DVR that I was originally provided when I signed up in 2008. I am sure that DVRs with larger hard drives are now...
View ArticleHigher speed in my area and line connection check.
Hi I am wondering when am i going to get 6 mbps service to my area? Can you check my connection live stats. My account number is 113657102
View ArticleIs Cisco or Motorola receiver used in Atlanta?
Does anyone know which brand receiver is supplied by AT&T for U-verse in Atlanta, Georgia? Would it be the Cisco or Motorola brand? Thanks
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