AT&T subs installing Gigapower fiber in Raleigh's Fieldstream Farm neighborhood got called out by an alert homeowner who knew his property rights and where his actual right-of-way boundary(ROW) is located. When Gigapower subs started digging on his side of the ROW, he told the crew to stop and the foreman called the Police, thinking they would tell the homeowner they had the right to be there digging. Turns out, the City of Raleigh's Right of Way Services Coordinator Noah Otto says it appears Palmiter is right. Work has stopped and AT&T has been asked by both parties how they pan to "resolve the issue".
Links to WTVD stories with videos in the stories.
Original Story -
Followup Story -
You can't make this stuff up folks. AT&T is certainly to blame because it's their job to know where the ROW is. The City of Raleigh could also be at fault if they are not following up and inspecting installs for compliance like the permitting process calls for. I know Durham has has hired a 3rd party company to help with Fiber permitting and inspections any are supposed to be checking for problems like this. But honestly, with the amount of fiber being installed in Wake and Durham counties by AT&T and Google, it's almost impossible to catch every variance out of a ROW or make sure Vaults and Taps are located properly.