I know this topic has been covered ad nauseam here, but I'm still not clear and from my most recent chat it would seem I will not be able to keep my email address, but here is my scenario.
I created my SBCGLOBAL accounts years ago when "high speed DSL" was available. Once we moved to a different part of the state (CA) U-verse was available so we went with that. When that account was created my SBCGLOBAL address is what I used to access my U-verse account to pay my bill, etc...
We moved again to another part of the city and the only U-verse service that was available was the internet. So when they created the account they screwed up my SBC account and I was not able to log in and they created an ATT.net account for me. They were able to unlock my account so I can still access my SBC account.
Fast forward a bit and we are moving again, this time to an area that AT&T does not provide the service (as it is Verizon). I never used the ATT.net address and really don't care if I lose that one, however the SBC accounts that my wife and I have are pretty much are main email accounts and I really can't afford to have those deleted. So I chatted with a rep and he asked me if my SBC account was merged with Yahoo! I told him it was...below is his response.
:If it was registered then it will also automatically get deleted.
:If no, then there would be no impact on your sbcglobal.net
Can someone please share any other info they may have or similar expereince as to what happened on your end? Again sorry for posting this topic up again, but most of the threads I was reading were on the older side.