Hello All,
I got my Uverse installed today and I use a Time Capsule as my primary router for wifi as I know and understand the included wireless radio in the 589 is subpar. I'm on the power tier and i'm getting 25 MB downloads on the wireless and I've reading that the setup of the modem and the router can be leading to this issue.
I've read the FAQ on setting up 589 into bridge mode but these instructions are iffy at best for my understanding. I can follow instructions well but the instructions assume that everyone is inclined towards the technical lingo in the instructions.
I messed with the modem and the time capsule and I started achieving 45MB plus downloads but my iPhone wouldn't connect to the network. I reset both the modem and the Timecapsule and my device connects to the network now but i'm stuck with the lower speeds.
I searched this forum long and hard for specific instructions on setting up Time Capsule for the best ideal situation but I couldn't find anything. At this point i'm frustrated and tired of looking. The 25MB isn't bad but i'm loading pages very slow and i'm essentially giving up half my speed when using devices on wifi.
Please don't attach a link to the FAQ because I've read it over plenty of times. More so i'd appreciate step by step specific instructions on how to get this to work.