Today for approximately 90 minutes I was unable to connect to most websites I tried or it took several minutes for some sites to come up, while a very few sites came up relatively quickly. The problem was not site specific either. The same website that came up ok once took several minutes the next time. I did a speed test (on the speed test sites I could even get to come up) and my download and upload speeds were perfectly fine. I got on the horn with AT&T and one of their "off shore" tech support people ran all sorts of tests and said everything looked ok and that he would send a line technician out to see what the problem was. I nixed that and asked to be transferred to a higher level tech support person first. Then I was cut off (the first time). I called back and got another "off shore" tech support person and asked that she transfer me to a U.S. based higher level tech support person. She transferred me to another "off shore" tech support person who proceeded to cut me off for the 2nd time when I asked if he was located in the USA. Called back a 3rd time, went through the same schpiel and while waiting to be transferred my web site connection problems went away like that. Everything back to normal.
Now, can someone please clue me in on what could cause that. If this happens again I want to be able to tell the "off shore" tech support people what I found out rather than listen to their "read from the book" responses.