I have a problem with my service but it seems like the local techs can't track it down, maybe someone here will have a fresh idea.
Some background... My service was installed 30 days ago, they ran a new drop from pedestal, installed a new NID and Cat 5 home run to the modem/gateway.
I started out with the the Arris NVG-510 within a day I noticed a NAD-3305 error and it kept happening 3 - 6 times a day, so I searched and found it has been a ongoing issue. I attempted a few possible fixes listed over the course of 7 days without any resolution, at that point I called tech support who ran tests and said they saw a possible issue and sent a tech. He arrived a bit confused as to why they sent him because he initially did not see any issues, after I explained my issue further he noted that he did see random loss of sync and went about checking the installers work, he found nothing so he just replaced my gateway with a 2nd NVG-510.
Less than a day later the drops reappeared with the same error, this time I opted to contact AT&T on their official community forums. The tech that answered me there asked questions and made some "configuration changes" on his end, including something my assigned DNS servers. He suggested I try it out for a day and report back, I didn't notice any issues for 3 days and felt like it was resolved, but once again the random disconnects came back!!
So, I opted to call support again and was almost immediately forwarded to a member of the escalation team, she listened and checked the many notes to date and recommended I have another tech appointment scheduled and she further requested I be given a different gateway. The tech arrived and as usual initially commented he did not see any issues via his tests, shortly after a field supervisor joined him and they looked over the whole install for possible issues, the field supervisor noted quite a bit of noise in my line and the tech commented my upstream noise margin was very low (7.4) but my downstream looked great, so the field supervisor requested someone come the next morning and further check out my noise issue, in the meantime they replaced my gateway again, this time with a Pace 5168NV. Over the next 3 days the issue continued, but less often and no annoying NAD error page, my noise margin number also improved to 12.1 after the guy came the next day but now it fluctuates from around 11.2 to 7.8.
I also attempted calling the tech directly as he and his supervisor instructed, but he never called back, so I called tech support again and now have another appointment scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. I really feel the support people are great and they want my issue resolved, but being an intermittent problem is making it extra hard.
So, my question is... Does anyone have any ideas or maybe experienced a similar issue?
I've included a few screenshots....