I am rural and we have absolutely no Internet access here that is not 3G. When we first moved in AT&T did not have our address in their database, now they do - but I fear that it's wrong somehow. Depending on which search page I use, I can or cannot get POTS from AT&T, and the chat reps have twice said that I can - but of course no Internet.
However, AT&T has just run U-Verse line right past my house, although across the street. I found out through a local source that the line has been run for a large farming business down the road who paid them to do it. There is a box that was just installed not far from my house, but I don't know what it's for, maybe someone could help me to identify it?
Does anyone think that the regular residents have a shot at getting U-Verse at the homes where the fiber was run past? I know it's a long shot but I can't help but wonder.
There are also a lot of white poles with orange tops (about 3 feet high?) that I suppose are marking cable, again not sure what they are either - but on the telephone pole across from my house there is one such orange/white pole, and some black barrier material held up with wooden stakes in two places that looks like it's protecting something, or perhaps something is planned to go in those locations.
I have more photos if they are needed.
Thank you.