So a little background information. Current service is U200 + Power (45/6) on a new 5268ac, coming from a 589. Currently connected to an F-card with 8d profile on pair bonding. The 589 worked perfectly but I hunted down a 5268ac to take advantage of the 5.0ghz. For some reason, whenever I'm uploading about ~3Mbps my pings spike from the normal ~50ms to 200-800ms. Now I've practically ruled out almost everything, I know google drive is capping the speeds at ~3Mbps and when I uncap it, the pings fly even higher.
Bufferbloat was an A with the 589 and now it's a D+ with the 5268ac. This is my second 5268 that was swapped out today. Chances are slim that I got two bad modems, but this might be the case.
I've tried DMZ+ and attaching my 68u with merlin on the latest firmware and configuring QoS, hoping it would help, but it exhibits the same problem.
I'm out of my typical troubleshooting and was wondering if anyone else experiences this problem with this new gateway.