I have U-verse internet & phone service. Since original installation, Nov. 2014, I have experienced phone outages on/off when it rains. At&T techs have been out numerous times (12 at least) & still have not solved the problem. The NVG589 has been replaced 3 times, module inside NID replaced twice. Usually recycling the gateway either by phone support or myself restores service. Phone support always advises that there is interference on line outside my home but when repair tech arrives & checks line they cannot find any interference problems. Comments are everything is working, call if you have any more problems. All inside phone jacks have been checked by At&T, no problems. I have one base station which has 3 additional phones connected to one jack. I have tried connecting phone straight to gateway same problem.
Any of you experts have any suggestions as to how I can solve this problem.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
"I can resist everything-except temptation"