I just moved from cable to uverse.I have some wired and wireless cameras that I used to be able to view remotely via port forwarding.
Since I changed to uverse no matter what I do, I cannot view them off net.
According to the firewall rules I have the pinholes set up like below
device allowed app protocol port number public IP
camera_west cAMERA WEST - tcp 8083 45.21.xxx
camera_gate cAMERA GATE - tcp 8084 45.21.xxx
camera_yard cAMERA YARD - tcp 8081 45.21.xxx
Static IP: cAMERA HOUSE - tcp 8082 45.21.xxx
Static IP: cAMERA EAST - tcp 8085 45.21.xxx
these were the same tcp and port settings used previously
I can touch all of them on the LAN, and one of the cams is a weather underground cam and ftps successfully
any thing else I can try?
the modem is a PACE 5031NV and http://canyouseeme.org/ sees all the ports
PS I changed the DHCP settings on my modem to reflect what my existing range was set at, thus the 192.168.0.x instead of the factory default of 192.168.1.x
its working now, I finally accessed it from my cell phone on data. I also moved my dhcp pool outside of the static IP assignments, maybe there was a conflict there