Hi guys,
First time posting here so bear with me.
I just upgraded to U-verse a couple days ago (12mb) and have been getting numerous drops in my internet.
I poked around on some forums looking for similar UV Realtime results and I am thinking the drops are due to a bridge tap. I thought bridge taps are suppose to look like a bouncy ball effect on the bitloading chart so I might just be seeing crosstalk or minor interference. What do you guys think?
I'm not sure if this will help but I believe that the installer did not disconnect my other home phone line that was running to my house....as in one is my old home phone line and the other my new U-verse line both running to my house. Would this cause interference?
Just from looking at UV Realtime....it is looking pretty bad on the error side of things.
Thanks guys. I'm pretty new to this stuff...even if I'm getting some shoddy internet this is pretty interesting to learn about.