USA TODAY? Will U-verse and DirecTV co-exist?
Stankey: We sold to different customer bases. There's some overlap in the markets but we played to the bundle game with U-verse by consolidating product offerings. DirectTV played to people who wanted to buy standalone video. We now can start to cross market products and services. Over the long haul our goal is offer one video product in the market, (with) one video channel lineup, one set of programming relationships, one video brand.
To do that, we have to do integration work of the technical platforms. I wouldn't think about it as one going away or the other one going away. It's about how the two of them arrive at a new place that's better. Building that new platform is going to take us 24 to 36 months. Our goal is if you're a consumer of ours today that this transition is done in way that is evolutionary (and) non-invasive. This new platform is very software centric. We'll be able to bring the customer new features and services incrementally.