So I have gotten loop qualifications both automagically and via the social media team; amazingly being told:
xxxxx is full U-verse qualified. But now that the loop qual was done, I no longer see 45 Mb/s offered. {So much for "full"....}
Further, I just spoke to a neighbor who does have the bonded 45Mb/s service, for the last six months. He's further from the VRAD by a few hundred feet.
The VRAD is ~2500 ft away. Wonder why we were not offered bonded, but are offered TV. {And how many TV's do they allow? [We want zero; this is just curiosity...]
So a few catchup points:
Is the $99 modem charge a purchase or lease? The neighbor is getting dinged another $10/month for something....
Can you ensure you'll get a NVG589?
How do you get to the modem diagnostics I see posted in several threads?
I can't choose self-install in the cart; why?
Can you tell from looking at the U-verse cabinet if it's BOPN or GPON?
Why would they put the U-verse & xconn across the street from the cable plant?
Any magic coupon numbers for more discounts?