The church that I manage computer resources for was recently switched from legacy AT&T DSL to U-Verse. Part of that switch involved replacing the simple modem with an NVG-510. That's when all of the problems started.
We already had a Linksys RVS-4000 in place which works well and provides the VPN capability that is needed by the staff. So we're not about to get rid of it.
The problem is mainly with 3 things though there may be others I'm not yet aware of.
The first involves a server at the church running Microsoft WSUS. It produces daily reports of new Windows updates downloaded and reports of the progress of Windows updates being installed on computers. I was using my personal email account from my ISP to send the reports to another email account of mine. Those reports no longer get sent because the WSUS server can't communicate with the ISP's email server. It has nothing to do with the ISP because I use the same setup elsewhere and it's still working fine since that site does not use AT&T.
The second problem is that computers at the church can no longer get updates for the Malwarebytes program. I know it's because of something between the NVG510 and RVS-4000 because if I connect a computer directly to the wireless of the NVG510, I can get the updates with no problem.
The third problem involves a website that the church purchases media from, such as PowerPoint slides and simple videos. The only media that can now be downloaded are slides that are of low definition with no animation. Any HD media or with animation simply won't download. Again, I can attach a computer to the NVG510 wireless can get whatever media is on the site. So it is a problem with the NVG510 not working properly with the RVS-4000.
The computers must stay on the network inside the RVS-4000 because that is the private network using 10.x.x.x. The network provided with the NVG510 is a 192.168.x.x and can't be changed.
I would like nothing better than to dump the NVG510 as it is worthless for anything other a single home user. I say this not just because of this church situation but because the company I work for handles computer services for small businesses and all the ones using AT&T that got moved from legacy DSL to U-Verse, and so had to start using the NVG510 in front of their business class router, have had all sorts of problems that just didn't exist before the switchover.
I've tried to set the NVG510 into as much of a pass-through mode as I could but obviously there is still something blocking some things when using the NVG510 in conjunction with a real router.
I am open to any helpful suggestions of how to overcome this handicap. As I said at the beginning, the RVS-4000 is staying put because the VPN capability is needed and there is no money to purchase any other sort of hardware or software to try and make things better. I have to work with what I have already.