I have U-Verse for Internet only: 45 meg down, 6 up. Pair bonded, with POTS lines sharing both pairs. My lines are good enough that I don't need pair bonding, but my understanding is that AT&T policies require it for 45 meg.
Yesterday, one of the POTS lines went down (no dial tone, broken connection on the pole).
The RG renegotiated sync speed on the remaining pair, and Speedtest.net indicated I was getting the about 43 megs over the remaining pair. (Downstream sync rate was around 55000). If I hadn't seen the red light on the RG, I might not have noticed the line was down.
Today they fixed the POTS line. Both pairs are now in service, and according to Speedtest.net, my speed has dropped to around 40 meg.
In my situation, the main advantage of pair bonding is that I can lose either line and still get full speed.
Strangely, the lesson I learned, is that if I ever need to squeeze every last bit of speed out of my connection, I should disconnect one of the pairs!