Assume one has/can get a perfectly fine ATT proprietary IPDSLAM adsl2+ modem (2210-02-1ATT). Assume it has the current firmware, and is now working/would work just fine with Uverse IPDSLAM service. Maybe the person who has it is a former (but recent) customer, or maybe the person who has it purchased it from a former (but recent) customer.
New customers signing up for Uverse Internet (only) are told they must purchase a $100 Uverse IPDSLAM modem. But, if one has/can get the modem, as above, they wouldn't need/wouldn't want the new $100 Uverse IPDSLAM modem.
Can the new modem be refused for new service? When the new customer's line is activated, could the new customer just plug in the above-mentioned 2210-02-1ATT they have/have obtained/have legitimately purchased? Could the unneeded $100 modem then be returned, unopened, for refund or credit?