3600hgv modem worked fine plugged into phone jack for 2 months.
This morning, connection crapped out and could not get synced.
I plugged modem into NID, and it synced up!
Plugged modem to phone jack, and it just blinks yellow, then red, trying to connect, but keeps failing to connect.
att Tech came out and tested outside and inside lines and they were both fine. He even plugged his diag tool to my phone jack and synced up successfully.
100% continuity and signal strength from NID to inside house, but modem fails to sync when plugged into inside phone jack.
Syncs just fine plugged into NID.
Without testing, you would think my inside wires are bad, but they're not.
We decided it could only be a bad modem, but if all phone wiring is good, why would it not sync up when plugged into phone jack?
very odd problem. It's like the modem can tell whether it is plugged into the NID or a phone jack.